Messages of Love

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Monday, April 4, 2011

5 Gifts that Can Change Your Life in 30 days

Knowledge is only power if you use it consistently. Everybody to can make a choice and change their life for the better. Barry Gottlieb says that he observed that if you give these 5 little gifts to yourself for 30 days, your life will change profoundly. Let’s give it a try!

1.      Start your day with something uplifting, inspirational, motivational, and spiritual instead of reading newspapers or watching news on TV. It is very important what you fill the first hours of your day with.
2.      Before going to bed at night do something positive and go to bed in a good mood.
3.      Spend 30 minutes to an hour for yourself each day.
4.      Spend a few minutes to celebrate your accomplishments of the day.
5.      Before falling asleep feel gratitude for things in your life.

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