Messages of Love

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Open Heart Series with Ram Giri and The Work

This week I found out about an interesting book by Byron Katie, "The Work".  The book gives explicit and simple instructions about how to eliminate destructive thoughts and emotions. There are many videos on Youtube about The Work Process. It is very well described in free materials available in different languages at the official web-site:
The first step is to download and fill Judge You Neighboor Workbook focusing on one person or one issue at a time. It may be worth focusing with your mother and father, as the relationships with them determine a lot of other relationships in our life.

I found out about this book from Lilou Mace videos. She interviews Ram Giri, who is practicing and teaching the exercises in the book in her Open Heart series: 
In this series, Lilou applies the tools offered in the book to her own persoal issues and Ram Giri is guiding her through this process. I found it very useful for myself, especially because Lilou's childhood experience reminds me my own so much and I admire her courage and openness with which she shares and expresses her deepest fears and exposes her old beliefs. As Lilou's parents, my parents also got divorced when I was 9 and my mother immediately moved in with another guy. I loved my father a lot and blamed her for not staying with him and not explaining to me what happened. My situation was different because my father was drinking too much and it was mostly his fault, but I always took his side, because I felt he is more emotional and my mom is stronger and more materialistic. It was easier for me to connect and share love with him when he was there than with my mom. I think I still have issues with both of my parents, but I  hope to change this in the nearest future using  the techniques described in "The Work" and in Lilou's videos.

Byron Katie has created many resources about "The Work" process in Russian:  I am very excited to announce a great news that I'm going to translate Lilou's videos into Russian starting with Ram Giri's Open Heart series. Hopefully it will help many other people to get access to these powerful techniques!

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